Consueto appuntamento settimanale con la classifica Hardware e Software giapponese stilata da Media Create riferita al periodo dal 26 ottobre al primo Novembre 2009:
- 1. Bayonetta (PS3) 135,242
- 2. Four Warriors of Light: Final Fantasy Gaiden (DS) 114,714
- 3. Tekken 6 (PS3) 103,105
- 4. Persona 3 Portable (PSP) 94,287
- 5. Pokemon HeartGold and Soul Silver (DS) 87,594
- 6. Wii Fit Plus ( Wii) 82,427
- 7. Bayonetta ( 360 ) 64,325
- 8. Tomodachi Collection (DS) 53,159
- 9. Inazuma Eleven 2: Kyoui no Shinryokusha – Fire and Blizzard (DS) 41,437
- 10. Super Robot Taisen Neo (Wii) 26,559
- 1. DSi – 37,517
- 2. PS3 – 36,061
- 3. PSP – 34,911
- 4. PSP Go – 29,109
- 5. Wii – 28,888
- 6. DS Lite – 6,902
- 7. Xbox 360 – 6,047
- 8. PS2 – 1,966